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What is “lip blushing”, the cosmetic tattoos for lips that are becoming more and more popular

They are performed using a technique similar to eyebrow microblading with the aim of giving color, and not volume to the lips. Everything you need to know before choosing it and the difficulties posed by its removal Eyelash lengthening or perming, microblading to shape and fill in the eyebrows, eyelid liner, and now, lip blushing or lip micropigmentation. All techniques of what is known as permanent makeup , which gives the image of precisely being made up all the time, from morning to night without the slightest effort. In the cases of eyebrows, eyelids and lips, they are semi-permanent specialized tattoos that try to correct asymmetries, give a new shape and add color in a natural way. Although lip blushing is nothing new, in its early years you could see quite thick outlined designs that did not adapt to the personal style of all women. This was due to the fact that this type of profiling had a technical limitation that prevented it from being carried out more precisely and with a finer line. The passing of the years made it possible to improve the process and, currently, despite being a small area and with such a delicate tissue, professional and precise dyeing can be carried out, which helps to achieve defined lips with a fresh color. and juvenile. In the opinion of the medical specialist in Aesthetics Julia de la Torre, “The trend of cosmetic tattoos is here to stay for a long time; they are not a novelty because they have existed for a long time, only that in recent times they have been stomping because people choose them a lot and just as the number of people who do microblading on eyebrows and even eyelid micropigmentation has been increasing, now the fashion of lip is prevailing blushing or pigmentation of the lips”. Vanessa Guerrero is a university technician in Cosmetology and Aesthetics and a technician in Pigment Implantation and before Infobae 's consultation she explained that “In the micropigmentation technique, you work with a team called a dermograph or with a rotary machine that is like a tattoo team to which a cartridge is placed according to the technique that is going to be performed” . “Using this methodology, it is possible to draw eyelids, micropigmentation in eyebrows and lips”, specified the specialist, who explained that “the pigment is implanted by means of an oscillation of needles (the needle enters many times very quickly and leaves a small point of pigment each time it enters)”. And after clarifying that “what micropigmentation does is give color and not volume” , Guerrero maintained that “it can give a visual volumizing effect, but it is not that it gives volume to the lip; You can even improve the texture of the lip since the injury of the needle causes collagen and elastin to be generated in the area and it can even tighten the lip a little for this same reason”. Both this technique and eyebrow microblading are outpatient procedures, in which the specialist uses topical anesthesia."Obviously, prior to the session, an evaluation of the person is made, a design of what is going to be done and the color is chosen taking into account the patient's tastes," added the cosmetologist. The before and after: two moments of which there are some things to know For De la Torre, it is not a minor fact to internalize the technique before deciding to do it, since many times "the person has certain expectations in the treatment that later do not coincide with the result". “ Even if it is well done, it can happen that we do not like the result on our face and that is a point that must be taken into account , in addition to always choosing the professional well and not acting impulsively, since later, although it is possible to remove it it is much more complex in relation to other cosmetic tattoos”, the specialist pointed out to this medium, who on the other hand highlighted that "Whenever ink is injected into tissues, there is the possibility of presenting complications inherent to any injectable technique." In that sense, he mentioned “from infections to immunological reactions of the organism towards the ink; mainly red or pink inks are the ones that can trigger the greatest reactions due to their composition”. “In particular, our center is a reference in the care of complications and disagreements of patients with these treatments because we are dedicated to removing tattoos, andWe often find that pigmentation in the lip area is very difficult due to the conformation of the inks used., which contain certain hydroxides that when the laser light is fired on them causes the ink to change color, darken and that generates a headache for several months to the patient, "explained the specialist. And although he assured that “in general, they can be removed”, he clarified that “treatments become more expensive for patients because they need more sessions than micropigmentation or microblading of the eyebrows and also present this difficulty that when the color changes, the area pigmentation of the lip turns gray for several months. With specialists on one side and the other, as in almost everything in life, common sense indicates that as in everything that is offered as "permanent", "definitive" or promises long-term results, the information makes the difference. difference. And the choice of a trained professional with experience in the technique will surely have a great influence on the final result.

What is “lip blushing”, the cosmetic tattoos for lips that are becoming more and more popular
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